"Celebrate Through the Years" is Northern Areas's year 2000 event to celebrate 90 years of Guiding in Canada, which will take place at Doe Lake September 29-October 1, 2000. This event is open to all members of Northern Area from Sparks to Trefoil Guild members. See your District Commissioner for more details. Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers must bring their own tents. Deadline for application is JUNE 1,2000.
This year's Northern Area Canada Cord Ceremony will be held September 10, 2000 in North Bay. Please send the names and addresses of the girls you have that will be receiving their Canada Cord to the Division Commissioner. Invitations will be sent to recipients and their families.
The National Forum of the Girl Guides of Canada will be held in April in Toronto. Two Guiders from our Division will be representing Northern Area.
North Bay Trefoil group is planning an overseas trip and has opened it up to any adult members. Information sheets are with your District Commissioner.
Division Bursaries for girls who will be graduating Grade 12 or OAC are given annually. Please send list of girls to the Division Commissioner by MAY 1, 2000.