James Bay Frontier Division Day

"Fall Roundup"

Saturday October 13, 2001

9:00 - 4:00
(8:15 am for early morning craft session)

At Northern College, South Porcupine

Cost: $30.00(cheque payable to: Girl Guides of Canada - JBF Division)

**An early bird bonus is in effect. Register before June 30, 2001 and pay only $25.00 **

Dress is Casual : jeans, plaid, bandanas, etc.

A personal Health form must be carried by every Participant.

Please Lug-A-Mug.

applications to be received by September 23 , 2001


send applications to:
Girl Guides of Canada
c/o 588 Spooner, Timmins, ON
P4N 4R5

Accommodations will be available for those who need overnight lodging.
Bring your sleeping bag and mattress.

A: All Morning Session - 9:30-11:45 a.m.

Orientation: Introduction to Guiding - An overview of Guiding: Vision, Mission & Principles;our programs; basic leadership responsibilities;procedures within Guiding; support and resource people and publications; and a whole lot more!!! Bring your questions.

B: 9:30-10:30 a.m.

1. Outdoor Cooking - Learn alternate cooking methods that will enrich your outdoor cooking experience be it on a hike or at camp. Please dress for the weather and expect to be outdoors.

2. Computer Skills for the New Millennium -Come learn how to get more of your computer and internet. You will learn how to fine tune your search for information, people, businesses, or products; download files and graphics; customize your browser page; getting the most of your e-mail; alternate ways to access e-mail; and basic information on creating a web page.

C: 10:45-11:45 a.m.

1. Famous 5 Partnership Project- Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada have a partnership to support a national tour of bronze statues of five women who spearheaded the women's movement in Canada. Learn how to integrate this into your Guiding programs and inform your girls about this partnership.

2. Games Galore - What better way to learn and have fun than with games. Be they outdoor, indoor,active, quiet everyone loves games. Come learn some games and share your successes.

D: 1:00-2:00 p.m.

1. Tour Camp Chimo- Come take a look at the facilities at our Division Camp. If you have never been, it will give you some idea of what we have to offer. If you have not been for a while, come see the many changes. Transportation will leave the college at 12:30 p.m.

2. Going Somewhere? - Planning a trip? Have you ever thought about bringing your Unit to Science North for the Nighthawk program, going to Wonderland for Girl Guide Days, or other such adventures? Then this session is for you. You will learn the steps to follow and get advice from Guiders who have been there.

3. Crafts in Our Programs (Spark & Brownie)- Crafts are more that just "something to fill the time". They are valuable in teaching and developing skills and self-esteem. Come for a sampling of a few crafts and how they relate to our programs.

4. Spit and Polish- Been camping for years? Bring yourself up to date on the most recent information on health and safety issues relating to camping. We'll demonstrate some camping skills and how this all relates to the girls' programs.

E: 2:15-3:15 p.m.

1. Spark Themes- The Spark Program lends itself well to the use of themes. We will explore different themes and develop crafts, songs, games to suit the theme. The sky is the limit! This session would also be suitable for Brownie Guiders with small Units.

2. Dance- Dance involves physical activity, which is an important part of our programs. Folk dances can be incorporated into your weekly meetings, where they provide a change of pace as well as promoting Active Living. Best of all, it's fun! Give it a try.

3. Crafts in Our Programs (Guide, Pathfinder, Senior Branches)- Crafts are more that just "something to fill the time". They are valuable in teaching and developing skills and self-esteem. Come for a sampling of a few crafts and how they relate to our programs.